Private Italy Vacations: Pitigliano – Tuscany
Despite its dramatic position, undeniable charm and many historic sites, Pitigliano has not been overrun by tourists like many of its neighbouring hilltop...
|Despite its dramatic position, undeniable charm and many historic sites, Pitigliano has not been overrun by tourists like many of its neighbouring hilltop...
| Tagged Cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul, Chiesa di San Rocco, Etruscan city, Festa della Contea, Jewish community, Little Jerusalem, Palazzo Orsini, Torciata of St. Joseph, Tuscany Hilltop TownSince Middle Ages many towns in Tuscany have been home to Jewish communities. On personalized tours of Italy, you can visit Livorno, Pitigliano,...
| Tagged Florence, Little Jerusalem, Livorno, pisa, Pitigliano, Siena, Sorano, Sovana